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How to draw shapes for beginners
Sony bluetooth headphones not pairing 248726-Sony bluetooth headset not pairing
The headphones may have been connected to the computer through Low Energy (LE) communication mode This usualy occurs when the headphones are paired without pressing the Power button for seven seconds, and may result in the headphones not pairing to the computer or the computer not having sound To resolve the issue, make sure to press the Power button on the headphones for seven seconds to put the headphones in pairing mode before you pair the headphonesWhen you pair a second or subsequent device (the headset has pairing information for other devices), press and hold the (power) button for about 7 seconds Check that the indicator (blue) repeatedly flashes twice in a row You will hear the voice guidance say, "Bluetooth pairing"If the Bluetooth headphones are turned on, turn them off Activate Pairing mode on the Bluetooth headphones Press and hold the power button or the ID SET button When the indicator starts to blink quickly, release the button
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